New Beginnings…
written by Ms. Annie Carter
This story is about a woman that just graduated our Transitional Housing Program. We will call her G.G. for now; this is not her name but we will explain that later. She came into our program after running away from her abusive husband with her four small children. G.G. had been abused in her marriage, mentally at first but then it became physical. She stayed telling herself that it would get better, he would change and she lived him. But when the abuse was directed towards her children, she made the final decision that she had to leave. All she had was her care ad a few clothes that she threw in a plastic bag. She didn’t even know where to go. She couldn’t go to her parent’s house; he would find her. She had no friends because he had driven them away. There she found herself in the middle of the night with no where to go, no money and no food for her children. This is when she decided to turn to the police for help. They were able to get her placed in a domestic violence shelter and when one of our Transitional Houses became available, she was able to enter the program.
G.G. and her children were able to move into a furnished five room house with a large backyard where her kids were able to run and play. Friends of the Good Neighbor Homeless Shelter donated car seats, clothes, toys and food for her and her children. She started out with nothing but through this program she was given a new start. Within just a few short weeks you could see such a difference in the children.
During her time in the program she asked for very little. She was grateful for whatever she was given. She always has had a generous heart, she donated a stroller, clothes and other items to fellow clients. She was always trying to give back because so much had been given to her.
She started out making $8.00 an hour working at a daycare that gave her a reduced rate because she worked there. Event with the discount and CAPPs daycare assistance it was a struggle to make ends meet and contribute to her savings account which is a requirement of the program. G.G. continued looking for a better job. She persevered and found a job making $14.00 an hour. She was excited when she received her first check, it motivated her even more. Within six months she obtained 2 promotions and two pay increases.
This past month they were able to move into their new home that she recently purchased. G.G. contributed to her savings and complied with the program. She is continuing her education and should be graduating later this year with her associate’s degree and hopes to continue going to earn her bachelors.
The reason for calling her G.G. stood for God’s Grace. By His Grace she is still with us and succeeding.